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Author Event - Raising Happy Children

Author Event - Raising Happy Children
23 February 2021

Mindfull Parent Book Cover

Mount Gambier Library will host a special author event for parents, caregivers and educators with parenting coach Elizabeth Noske, promoting her bestselling book ‘Mindfull Parent - Parenting with the Brain in Mind’ on Thursday 4 March at 7:00pm.

Elizabeth Noske is a neuro-educator, learning consultant and educational advisor bringing decades of knowledge and insights with her.

‘Mindfull Parent’ is a toolbox of brain-friendly tips for raising happy, cooperative and well-adjusted children. It aims to help parents and carers onto the path of genuinely enjoying each and every day with their child.

“I see so many parents frustrated by endless resistance, power struggles along with constant arguments and back-chatting with their children. My theory will help use brain-compatible parenting strategies to help resolve family conflicts in a mindful way"
- Parenting coach Elizabeth Noske

Aimed at parents and caregivers of two to 12 year olds, Elizabeth will help you understand what drives your child’s behaviour, reducing stress and anxiety because you will understand your child’s needs and enjoy the parenting journey much more.

“Think of the ‘Mindfull Parenting’ toolbox like a simple, predictable recipe, one that will allow you to raise children that you are proud of, can communicate with, all without giving up the fun and enjoyment of being a parent,” Ms Noske said.

‘Mindfull Parenting’ will be available for sale on the night for $29.95.

Bookings are essential and can be made by phoning Mount Gambier Library 8721 2540 or online under ‘Program and Events’.

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 08 8721 2401 or