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Public Roads and Footpaths

Public Roads and Footpaths Applications

Permit to use public footpath for business purposes - online form or printable form

By-law permit application - online form or printable form

Application for directional signage - printable form

Application for works on a public footpath - printable form

Invert crossover opening application - printable form

Mobile Food Vendors

Permit to use public road for mobile food van - online form or printable form

Mobile food van operating guidelines - download document

Health information leaflet - download document

Busking on Council land

An Application for a Busking Permit can be obtained from Council, or downloaded below and must be submitted with valid photo identification. There is no fee payable.

A Busking Permit issued by Council only allows you to busk on Council land. If you wish to busk at local supermarkets, shopping centres or other privately owned properties permission must be sought from store / centre management.

No permit will be granted to a child under the age of 12. A busking permit may be issued to a parent or guardian on behalf of a child that is aged under 16, but we need written consent from parent or guardian. Any permit granted to a parent or guardian on behalf of a child, is only valid during the daylight hours in which the child is not required to attend school in accordance with the Education Act 1972. The parent or guardian, to whom a permit has been issued on behalf of a child, must accompany the child at all times whilst the child performs.

Busking application - online form or printable form