As an organisation, we acknowledge country regularly as part of our standard meetings, gatherings and events. We encourage others in the community to do the same.
Here is a recent example of Council’s Acknowledgment of Country for 2020 National Reconciliation Week.
Working together with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the City of Mount Gambier has the following vision for reconciliation:
This vision was originally written as part of a Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities presented as part of the official unfurling of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags for permanent display in the Council Chamber in 2014.
The City of Mount Gambier’s inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) focuses on strengthening positive relationships, acknowledging and respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and providing opportunities to ensure that our First Nations peoples have the same life opportunities as other Australians.
Our RAP is titled Yerkalalpata which means Leading the Way in Bunganditj (the reclaimed language of the Boandik people). It incorporates more than 70 direct actions that strengthen our capacity as an organisation to deliver our vision for reconciliation.
The document can be downloaded below.