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Back to the drawing board for shared path extension

Back to the drawing board for shared path extension
19 August 2021

The shared path extension will connect the Rail Trail to the TAFE SA and UniSA campus.
TAFE SA Campus
The shared path extension will connect the Rail Trail to the TAFE SA and UniSA campus.

City of Mount Gambier will amend the scope of the shared path extension connecting the Rail Trail to TAFE SA on Wireless Road due to construction constraints identified on the original routes proposed.

Earlier this year, Council was awarded $800,000 in funds from the State Government as part of the Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program (IPP) for the installation of solar lighting along the Rail Trail corridor. Council matched the grant in the 2020/2021 budget to meet the criteria for the funds.

In addition, Council allocated a further $300,000 to enable the construction of a three metre wide and two kilometre long extension to the shared pathway to create a loop around the city and provide a direct link from Wandilo Road to TAFE SA on Wireless Road.

Upon further investigation, officers identified several constraints to the two routes originally proposed from Wireless Road West to Wandilo Road to the Rail Trail and Wireless Road West to O’Leary Road to the Springview Estate Easement to the Rail Trail. - City of Mount Gambier CEO Sarah Philpott

“These issues are complex and cost prohibitive, so Council needs to find an alternate route to link the shared path to the TAFE SA precinct.”

At the August Council meeting, Council resolved to deliver Stage 1, the $1.6 million solar lighting installation of the project scope as budgeted and deliver the project in a staged approach.

“A report with completed designs and updated cost estimates that identifies the most suitable and cost-effective way to link the existing rail trail to the TAFE SA campus on Wireless Road will be presented to Council in alignment with Council’s long term strategy and masterplans,” Ms Philpott said.

“New and amended community land management plans will also be prepared for public consultation purposes for the route of the proposed shared use path extension and railway corridor.”

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Ashlea Watson on 08 8721 2577 or