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Bulky waste collection trial set to commence

Bulky waste collection trial set to commence
30 June 2020

The City of Mount Gambier bulky waste trial will kick off tomorrow, Wednesday 1 July 2020. Endorsed at the May meeting of Council as a further step towards supporting residents during COVID-19, each residential property is eligible for one pick up of up to two cubic metres of hard/bulky waste via a ‘call and collect’ system.

Conditions apply to the by appointment service including the types of acceptable items, with the overall goal to reduce waste to landfill and encourage responsible disposal of household items while assisting residents who may not have other means of transporting goods to the Waste Transfer Station.

“A list of accepted and unaccepted items is now available on Council's website or at the Customer Service counter," City of Mount Gambier Environmental Sustainability Officer Aaron Izzard said.

“Examples of items that can be accepted include televisions, furniture, white goods and material off-cuts such as timber, iron etc, while those that we can not accept include asbestos and other hazardous waste, car batteries, shoes and clothing, gas bottles and tyres and car parts to name a few.”

There has been a high level of interest in the service since the trial was announced in May.

"We've already had a number of residents phone to book in for the service so we're looking forwarding to getting it underway," Mr Izzard said.

"Once we have commenced collections we will have a better idea of the timeframes required and hope to be able to increase the number of pick ups per day."

The service is strictly by appointment only - items left on the kerbside without an appointment will not be collected.

The trial cost is capped at $200,000 and will utilise human resources allocated via the ‘Our City, Our Response’ COVID-19 strategy that has enabled Council to employ locals who are experiencing unemployment as a result of the pandemic.

To book your collection contact Council on 8721 2555 or send an email requesting a hard waste collection with your contact details to

Following the trial a report will be presented back to Council to enable an understanding of the use and impacts of the service.

For more information visit

City of Mount Gambier Waste and ReUse employees Michael Smith and Michael Satterley are pictured with some of the items available for collection as part of the bulky waste trial.
Michael Smith and Michael Satterley
City of Mount Gambier Waste and ReUse employees Michael Smith and Michael Satterley are pictured with some of the items available for collection as part of the bulky waste trial.