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City of Mount Gambier response to COVID-19

City of Mount Gambier response to COVID-19
19 March 2020

Further to Mayor Martin’s message on Monday 16 March 2020, the City of Mount Gambier continues to review its response to the COVID-19 situation in an effort to protect the community and contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The City of Mount Gambier understands that whilst people may be concerned the community is asked to please not panic, stay informed and up-to-date with current health advice.

The health and wellbeing of the community remains Council’s highest priority. Having considered the most current health advice the City of Mount Gambier, in the interest of public and employee safety has implemented the following changes to services and activities effective immediately:

  • All events, programs, activities and bookings at the Mount Gambier Library and the Riddoch & Main Corner Complex including City Hall are suspended until further notice,
  • The ReUse Market open days are suspended until further notice,
  • The community are encouraged to re-assess their need to visit Council facilities in person and only attend if essential. Customers are encouraged to use online payments where possible and make enquiries via phone on 8721 2555, email or visit Council’s website –

These measures will be assessed regularly and are subject to change however they are expected to remain in place for the foreseeable future.

The situation surrounding the coronavirus is a constantly shifting landscape. Council will continue to monitor timely public health advice and keep the community updated.

Please refer to for the most up-to-date public health advice.

Andrew Meddle


Launch Of The Coronavirus Covid 19 Campaign