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Dig deep this festive season to support appeal

Dig deep this festive season to support appeal
19 December 2019

St Vincent de Paul representatives John D'Souza, Anne G Halman and Jeanette Elliot, along with other local welfare agencies are busy preparing for the distribution of food hampers and other donations to those in need this week.
St Vincent de Paul representatives John D'Souza, Anne G Halman and Jeanette Elliot with Mayor Martin
St Vincent de Paul representatives John D'Souza, Anne G Halman and Jeanette Elliot, along with other local welfare agencies are busy preparing for the distribution of food hampers and other donations to those in need this week.

With Christmas less than one week away City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM is calling on the community to donate to the Mount Gambier Community Mayor’s Christmas Appeal in support of those in our community doing it tough this festive season.

The appeal aims to raise funds for distribution to local welfare agencies including the Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society, Uniting Care, and Lifeline South East who provide food hampers and other assistance to the less fortunate in the Mount Gambier community at Christmas.

“Not only do these agencies play an important role for our city throughout the year, they go over and above during the festive season to ensure that everyone in our community can experience the joy of Christmas,” Mayor Martin said.

All funds raised as part of the appeal are distributed within the local area, with demand for support greater than ever as the cost of living continues to rise.

In 2018 the Community Mayor’s Christmas Appeal raised a total of $29,732.10 and Mayor Martin is optimistic the fundraising efforts this year will match this amount.

I have been humbled by the many businesses, community organisations and individuals who have made donations to date and I give my personal thanks to those who have provided support to those in need in our community.
- Mayor Martin

Mount Gambier Library and Collins Booksellers have collaborated to run a book drive enabling customers to receive a discount on books purchased for donation. This initiative has resulted in the donation of 73 books to the appeal.

“Some families have donated up to 6 books so we’ve been really blown away by the generosity of the community,” Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Brooks said.

“Books are a great gift for all ages and we thank the community and Collins Booksellers for supporting the Library to provide these gifts for families in our community.”

Mayor Martin and Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Brooks with the Book Drive donations.
Book Drive - Mayor Martin and Kristi Brooks
Mayor Martin and Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Brooks with the Book Drive donations.

The Mount Gambier Men’s Shed also contributed to the appeal with Mayor Martin recently accepting 130 handcrafted wooden toys made by Men’s Shed members.

“I am so pleased to accept these beautiful wooden toys from the Men’s Shed. I thank everyone who was involved in this project and I have no doubt local children will be delighted to receive them on Christmas morning,” Mayor Martin said.

Funds have been donated to the appeal at local events including the Mount Gambier Christmas Parade with assistance from the city’s Youth Advisory Group and the Blue Lake Carols.

McDonald Park year 6 and 7 students raised almost $500 for the appeal after teachers provided them with a small budget to work with.

"The students used their entrepreneurial skills to raise these funds during a lunch break and I am thrilled they so generously elected to donate the money to the appeal," Mayor Martin said.

Donations to the appeal can be made through the following channels:

  • By phoning (08) 8721 2555 with your credit card details on hand.
  • In person at the City of Mount Gambier Customer Service counter - Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace.
  • Via cheque made out to 'City of Mount Gambier', sent to PO Box 56 Mount Gambier SA 5290 with advice that the cheque is a donation to the Mayor's Christmas Appeal.

Media contact: Communications Officer Ashlea Watson on (08) 8721 2577 or email

Mount Gambier Men's Shed members Gary Austin, Ian Bond, Peter Heness, Glen Bowman and Peter Halleday have been busy handcrafting 130 toys for donation to the appeal.
Mount Gambier Men's Shed members
Mount Gambier Men's Shed members Gary Austin, Ian Bond, Peter Heness, Glen Bowman and Peter Halleday have been busy handcrafting 130 toys for donation to the appeal.