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Donations towards the Mayor's Christmas Appeal continue

Donations towards the Mayor's Christmas Appeal continue
19 December 2022

Mayor Martin and Men’s Shed members with handmade wooden toys to be donated to the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal for families in need at Christmas.
2022 Mayor's Christmas Appeal - Mayor Martin and Men's Shed members
Mayor Martin and Men’s Shed members with handmade wooden toys to be donated to the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal for families in need at Christmas.

Mount Gambier community groups, businesses and individuals have contributed more than $28,000 to the 2022 Mount Gambier Community Mayor's Christmas Appeal, as donations continue to be encouraged.

The funds raised through the appeal are provided to local support agencies, including Uniting Care,, Lifeline SE, St Vincent de Paul and The Salvation Army, to provide food hampers, vouchers and gifts to locals in need at Christmas.

In addition to donations from businesses, individuals and community groups, the appeal has been supported through other community initiatives, including handmade toys donated by the Mount Gambier Men's Shed and a book drive coordinated by Mount Gambier Library.

The Mount Gambier Men's Shed designed and made over 150 toys for local children to be distributed to the appeal's support agencies. The wooden toys are made using donated timber and designed for children from one to five years old.

The Mount Gambier Library coordinated a Christmas Book Drive as part of the Mayor's Christmas Appeal.

"The community have been very generous, we received 87 books which we wrapped and gift tagged with age-appropriate recommendations," City of Mount Gambier Acting Manager Library and Community Development Kristi Brooks

"For some children, this may be an opportunity to start their own home library, and potentially this gift of reading may be the only gift they receive this Christmas," Mrs Brooks said. will distribute the book donations to local families in time for Christmas this week.

City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin continues to encourage the community to support the appeal. The appeal is additional to the role played by local agencies and is not possible without contributions from local individuals, families, groups and businesses.

"It is not too late to donate to the appeal, a donation of just $50 can make a big difference to a family on Christmas day," City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin

Local businesses, community groups, families and individuals are encouraged to support local people in need this festive season by donating to the 2022 appeal or coordinating activities to assist with the cause. All funds raised as part of the appeal are distributed locally.

Donations can be made through the following channels:

• Call Council on (08) 8721 2555 (option 1) with your credit card details on hand. Council staff can email you a tax invoice.

• In person at the City of Mount Gambier customer service counter - Civic Centre, 10 Watson Terrace.

• Send a cheque made out to 'City of Mount Gambier' PO Box 56 Mount Gambier SA 5290 with advice that the cheque is a donation to the Mayor's Christmas Appeal.

• A 'tap and go' EFTPOS system will also be available at local businesses.

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Madeleine Brookes at or 08 8721 2577.