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Workshops on offer for budding writers

Workshops on offer for budding writers
23 February 2022

South Australian author, poet and creative writing teacher Jude Aquilina is offering free workshops for budding writers at the Mount Gambier Library.
Jude Aquilina
South Australian author, poet and creative writing teacher Jude Aquilina is offering free workshops for budding writers at the Mount Gambier Library.

Mount Gambier Library is set to host South Australian author, poet and creative writing teacher Jude Aquilina with several free events on offer to local writers as part of the Writers SA Writers in Residence program.

The community is offered a unique opportunity to book in for 30 minute one-on-one writing consultations on Wednesday 2 March between 9:30am and 12:00pm or Friday 4 March between 1:00pm and 3:30pm.

“Jude is happy to discuss your current writing projects, help with editing and publishing or address any specific questions during the sessions,” Team Leader Library Programs Kristi Brooks said.

On Saturday 5 March at 10:00am Jude will hold a workshop focused on writing for pleasure and publication where participants will be guided through a series of writing exercises.

“I hope from igniting everyone’s passion for writing that we can start up an established Limestone Coast writers’ group,” Jude said.

Bookings for all Jude’s events are essential with limited spaces. Interested persons can contact Mount Gambier Library on 8721 2540 or book online at under ‘programs and events’.

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Ashlea Watson on 08 8721 2555 or