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Library to celebrate 10th birthday

Library to celebrate 10th birthday
11 December 2019

Mount Gambier Library staff Bek Coates, Danni Reade, Kelly Lynch, Kristi Brooks, Patricia Ellis and Terasa Nearmy are excited to celebrate a decade of the redeveloped community facility next week.
Library staff celebrate 10 years
Mount Gambier Library staff Bek Coates, Danni Reade, Kelly Lynch, Kristi Brooks, Patricia Ellis and Terasa Nearmy are excited to celebrate a decade of the redeveloped community facility next week.

Mount Gambier Library will celebrate its 10th birthday on Tuesday 17 December 2019 with a host of activities for the community to enjoy between 10:00am and 11:30am.

The original vision for the current Mount Gambier Library was for it to be the ‘third place’, the place that is not home and is not work, but a place for the community to gather, connect and learn. This aspiration has been cemented with the Library welcoming four million visitors in the past 10 years since the Library was redeveloped.

In 2009 when the doors were open to the newly redeveloped Mount Gambier Library we opened a gateway to the future of Libraries in Australasia.- Mount Gambier Library Manager Georgina Davison

“Gone were the days of being ‘hushed’ for talking too loud and when libraries were a place that were dark and dingy, we welcomed and embraced the libraries of tomorrow, providing a multipurpose community space for all ages to enjoy.”

Not only has the Library seen 3.7 million loans in the past 10 years, but staff have bounced, rhymed and read stories to 65,000 patrons under the age of five and are running more than 1000 programs annually.

“The Library certainly doesn’t mind taking risks by delivering a wide range of services and activities for our community to enjoy. From speed dating to spin bikes, from theatrical performances to best-selling author events and cooking with master chefs, we deliver programs and events for the whole community,” Mrs Davison said.

On the agenda for the celebrations are an array of activities for everyone to enjoy.

“It’s a family celebration so bring the children down for face painting, balloons, treats and craft activities. For the youth and adults there will be come and try sessions in virtual reality – a chance to travel the world without a passport and experience the canals of Venice or the tropical seas of the Bahamas, or if your stomach can handle it – a roller coaster ride which will have you holding on for your life.”

The 3D printing, Wacom Tablets, Scan’N’Cut machine will be out with volunteers on hand to guide attendees in their use and a suffrage rosette craft activity where participants can make a rosette in recognition of a strong and influential woman in their life in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage.

“Of course, we couldn’t have a birthday without cake,” Mrs Davison said.

“We look forward to seeing friendly faces from our community and if you have friends and family visiting at this busy time of the year then you are welcome to bring them along and show them what was hailed in 2009 as ‘the best smaller city public library in the world!'”

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Communications Officer Ashlea Watson on (08) 8721 2577 or email