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Premier Steven Marshall visits Mount Gambier

Premier Steven Marshall visits Mount Gambier
23 October 2021

Badge Constructions Construction Manager Steven Crowther, Project Sponsor Barbara Cernovskis, Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Lynette Martin, Liberal candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood, City of Mount Gambier CEO Sarah Philpott, Badge Constructions Andy Shoemark and City Growth General Manager Tim Coote on site at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.
Badge Constructions Construction Manager Steven Crowther, Project Sponsor Barbara Cernovskis, Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Lynette Martin, Liberal candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood, City of Mount Gambier CEO Sarah Philpott, Badge Constructions Andy Shoemark and City Growth General Manager Tim Coote on site at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.

South Australian Premier Steven Marshall toured Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre this morning and met with Elected Members early this afternoon to discuss strategic priorities during a whirlwind day trip to Mount Gambier.

City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin was pleased to host a tour for the Premier through Council’s largest ever infrastructure project currently under construction at Olympic Park, Mount Gambier.

“We are very excited about the development of Wulanda, it will provide substantial year round indoor facilities, addressing many community needs both now and for future generations to come,” Mayor Martin said.

“The project received $10 million in State Government funding through the Regional Growth Fund, so I was very pleased to show the Premier through the facility so he could see how it is developing.”

The Premier was impressed with the construction occurring on site.

Premier Steven Marshall with Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood on the second floor of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.
Premier Steven Marshall with Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood on the second floor of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.
Premier Steven Marshall with Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood on the second floor of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.
Premier Steven Marshall with Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood on the second floor of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.

Following the tour, Premier Marshall met with the Mayor, Council’s senior executives and candidate for Mount Gambier Ben Hood to discuss key priorities for our community, including investment opportunities, our strong regional position and tourism.

We talked about opportunities to build on the success of Wulanda and our partnership in activating the Blue Lake and Crater Lakes area. We have so many amazing spaces and working together we can build even stronger connections. - Mayor Martin
Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood.
Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Martin and candidate for the seat of Mount Gambier Ben Hood.
Councillor Frank Morello, Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Martin, Councillor Sonya Mezinec, Councillor Paul Jenner and candidate for Mount Gambier Ben Hood.
Councillor Frank Morello, Premier Steven Marshall, Mayor Martin, Councillor Sonya Mezinec, Councillor Paul Jenner and candidate for Mount Gambier Ben Hood.

Councillors Sonya Mezinec, Frank Morello and Paul Jenner then joined the Mayor and the Premier for a discussion over lunch at the Civic Centre.

The Premier’s itinerary also included a visit to the Mount Gambier Show and meetings with primary producers, Grant District Council and the Generations in Jazz board.

Mount Gambier and the Limestone Coast is such a key region for our State and it has been great to get back to this fantastic region to meet and listen to locals with Liberal candidate Ben Hood. - Premier Steven Marshall

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 8721 2401 or