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Proposed Waste Service Charge (WSC)

Proposed Waste Service Charge (WSC)
17 February 2021

City of Mount Gambier rates notices will highlight the cost of waste disposal from 1 July 2021, in a Council proposal to adjust its rating structure and introduce a Waste Service Charge (WSC) of $200 per year.

It is proposed the WSC will be a separate charge financed as a reduction to the fixed charge general rates component of assessments.

“The general rates fixed charge will be reduced by $200, therefore, the introduction of the WSC is cost neutral and it will have no bottom-line impact on most ratepayer assessments,” General Manager Shared Services Darren Barber said.

It is proposed that 2021/2022 rates charges will be comprised of capital values, a WSC of $200, an anticipated overall 4.5% combined general rates and service fee charges increase.

“The combined general rates – fixed charge and the WSC will raise approximately 45 per cent of Council’s overall rates and charges revenue.”

The WSC will recover costs associated with kerbside bin collections, the Waste Transfer Station, ReUse Market and bulky waste collection.

“The proposed WSC is an environmental decision to make the costs associated with the collection, treatment and disposal of waste visible to ratepayers on their quarterly/annual rates notices.”

Council is focused on environmentally sound waste management practices and that means educating our community to really think about the cost of waste disposal.

- General Manager Shared Services Darren Barber.

“The WSC will provide Council with a tool to become more responsive to waste management related costs and share the costs and benefits with the community.”

It is proposed the WSC will be charged on the basis of the service being available to a property.

“It will exclude vacant land and primary production where there is no dwelling on the land and will be charged irrespective if the land owner/occupier is using the service or not.”

The community is encouraged to provide feedback about the proposed charge through the 2021/2022 Annual Business Plan and Budget community consultation process which will occur in the coming months.

“Council will provide further details regarding the rating structure, including the WSC as part of the community consultation process as we move closer to the end of the financial year.”

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean on 8721 2401 or