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Recreation Hub Community Q&A Sessions

Recreation Hub Community Q&A Sessions
17 September 2020

An artist's interpretation of the mixed use courts to be established as part of the Community and Recreation Hub project.
Ca Rh Mixed Use Courts 002
An artist's interpretation of the mixed use courts to be established as part of the Community and Recreation Hub project.

City of Mount Gambier will host a series of community Q&A sessions regarding the Community and Recreation Hub project following the completion of the tender process and the execution of the building contract.

City of Mount Gambier CEO Andrew Meddle said there are several mistruths about the project circulating throughout the community and encouraged people to get the facts.

“There is a difference between fact and opinion. We want to dispel the myths about the project and answer your questions,” Mr Meddle said.

“The tender process took a year to complete and during that time Council had a responsibility to ensure that the matter remained in confidence to protect the interests of the community by maintaining the integrity and competitive nature of the tender process. Now that the contract has been signed, we can provide significant detail on this game changing project.”

City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin, Elected Members and the CEO will be present at the sessions to discuss the project.

“Since the signing of the contract on Monday 24 August 2020 Council has been considering how it can best communicate with our community about the project. This has been challenging due to COVID-19 restrictions and it has been decided the sessions will run by demand and by registration only for contact tracing purposes in line with SA Health guidelines.”

Interested community members will need to phone 8721 2526 to book a seat at a session, the first of which will be held on Tuesday 22 September 2020.

Further information about the project is available at

Media contact: City of Mount Gambier Media and Communications Coordinator Sharny McLean 8721 2401 or